As we explore the potential of MENA as a mobile game market, we take a look at the Jordan hoping to stand as a hub for the region’s game industry. The games industry in Jordan is well supported by the state, increasingly integrated into the nation’s education system, and highly regarded as a legitimate medium […]
Video Games: An Excellent Tool That You Can Utilize To Eliminate Tension
Loading… Mobile video games are a great deal of fun and enjoyable time. Nevertheless, have you ever considered it as a method to ease the tension? If not, then you might wish to download that newest game on the App Store and begin playing as a research study has discovered that having fun with video […]
United Nations wants to promote peace, sustainability through mobile games
World Rescue is a game offered by UNESCO’s Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development. UNESCO MGIEP The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, wants to flip the script and turn mobile games into tools for learning. It’s sponsoring a conference in India later this year that will address […]
It’s time to retire the LTV metric Interview with Maysalward CEO
A lot can change in a decade. Take the Middle East, for example. The mobile games scene barely existed at the end of the 2000s, yet now we move to the end of the 2010s, it’s not only grown substantially, but the region has become a real contender for developers’ attention. Seemingly on an upward […]
Benefits of Playing Video Games
Video games have come a long way from being mere forms of entertainment. They have evolved into powerful tools that benefit players of all ages. From enhancing cognitive skills to promoting social interaction, video games have proven to impact various aspects of our lives positively. This blog post will explore the incredible benefits of […]
A diverse Gaming Summit reveals the potential of the MENA region
The eighth edition of The Gaming Summit took place last weekend in Amman, Jordan. Approximately 700 people – developers, students, publishers, business experts and more – gathered to share industry knowledge and discuss the opportunities and challenges of the region. It was a successful event, showcasing a diverse group of participants, and with the royal […]
Jordan:Pioneering history and promising future in mobile games
In 2003, Maysalward became the first Mobile game studio in the Middle East. As with every start-up launch, the company faced significant challenges, including a lack of talented Arab human resources specialized in programming and designing Mobile games. The founder of the company, Nour Khrais, and the Jordanian team insisted on achieving success through proper […]
The Entrepreneurs Swiss Knife
Entrepreneurs are the dreamer of the future, they are risk-takers, and they show resistance for failing. Those are some specific entrepreneurial characteristics a person must have to be successful in the entrepreneurial Journey. But the question that is always rising; can anyone be a successful entrepreneur? Here, I will try to explore with you the most […]
خريس يحاضر في شومان عن الثورة الصناعية الرابعة وتجلياتها
إستضاف منتدى شومان الثقافي بتاريخ 12 آذار 2018، المؤسس والمدير التنفيذي لشركة ميس الورد نور خريس في محاضرة بعنوان”الثورة الصناعية الرابعة وتجلياتها”. قدم وأدار الحوار مع الجمهور ليث القاسم. أكد المؤسس والمدير التنفيذي لشركة ميس الورد نور خريس، ان تكنولوجيا الواقع الإفتراضي ستكون كبيرة وضخمة وتلمس جميع القطاعات الصناعية في المستقبل القريب. واعتبر خريس ان […]